SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO can be complicated — in many cases, overcomplicated. How many ranking factors are involved in generating strong organic search results? Ten? Twenty? Fifty? Three hundred?
A quick search for “SEO ranking factors” will give you all of these answers and a myriad others. The reality is, while there are likely hundreds of variables working together to determine final search engine placement, much of what is suggested is guesswork. However, not all ranking factors are relevant to every business.
Long story short, it is easy to get lost down an algorithmic black hole. The world wide web is an overabundance of information, and it can mean spending all of your time researching and feeling like you're running in circles.
So what does it all mean? It means that there are some basic strategies to follow to get noticed and it starts with brainstorming every searchable keyword possible pinpointing your business. The more unique your business, the better your chances of a higher search ranking. There are many other factors, but those can be discussed when the time comes to build your online presence. Contact Knackert Media today to learn more.